ScientiaMobile WURFL PHP API change log:
- Added support for upcoming iOS and Android versions
- Updated support for Microsoft Edge browsers
- Improved detection of
  - some Nintendo devices running Access/Netfront browsers
  - macOS User-Agents
- Fixed compatibility for the Redis cache adapter with redis server v2.8.x
- Fixed an error with wurfl-updater when snapshot is up-to-date
- Added iOS 10.2 hardware IDs
- Added new virtual capability - advertised_app_name
- Improved detection of
	- MSIE browsers with alphanumeric versions
	- UAs originating from Google Search app on iOS
- Updated support for Microsoft Edge and Opera browsers
- Fixes in robot, Kindle and Windows Phone detection
- Added Redis storage and cache adapter
- Added APCu cache adapter
- Removed deprecated Metadata class properties
- Deprecated APC cache adapter in favor of APCu
- Deprecated class Constant in favor of Api
- Added Android 7.1 devices
- Added iPhone 7 and 7 plus device
- Added support for Amazon mobile app
- Improved wurfl-updater script
  - added clear cache option
- Improved device lookup performance
- Review of patch file load process
- Improved performance retrieving capabilities and virtual capabilities
  - Added an inline cache system to speedup fallback tree generation
  - Improved the virtual capability group initialization logic
- Improved the MongoDB adapter
- Added warning about missing Snapshot URL
- Improved patch files validation
- Fixed capability to string conversion with boolean
- Fixed bug in MySQL cache adapter
- Fixed a Repository exception with wurfl-updater
- Updated composer dev dependencies
- Adds UPGRADE documentation
- Improved storage permission check
- Improved performance
- Minor fixes
- Improved wurfl-updater script
- Minor fixes
- Support for url-encoded UAs
- Better iPod Touch detection
- Better Facebook and Mobile App detection
- Added Chinese Android detection
- Added Android 7 detection
- Added iOS 10 detection
- Mandatory Capabilities are automatically loaded during engine load

- Dropped support for PHP 5.3
- Implemented standard interfaces:
    - PSR3 psr/log
    - PSR6 psr/cache
    - container-interop
- Added SQLite storage and cache adapter
- Added MySQL storage and cache adapter
- Added MongoDB storage and cache adapter
- Added WURFL updater

- Fixed wurfl.xml extraction not multi instance safe
- Fixed cache interferes with is_app_webview and advertised vcap values
- Improved WURFL_FileUtils::getTempDir() to return a multi instance safe temporary dir
- Deprecated the WURFL_Request_UserAgentNormalizer_Interface

- Improved performance detection
- Improved build lock implementation with multiple api's

- Added detection of:
    - Palemoon Browser
    - Bravia SmartTV
    - iOS 10 and new iOS devices
    - Desktop App
- Fixed IIS detection issues
- Fixed controlcap mechanism
- Fixed APC and Memcache storage namespace conflict with multiple api's

- Fixed PHP 5.3 compatibility

- Added WURFL.XML deviceIds consistency check
- Improved detection of:
    - Apple devices
    - Edge browser
- Added new Virtual Capability: device_name

- Added mandatory capabilities for advertised capabilities

- Fixed is_phone virtual capability logic

- Improved detection of:
	- Nokia devices
	- Android User-Agents (UAs) without model names
	- Certain feature phones running Opera Mini
	- SmartTVs
	- UAs from Android apps
	- Blackberry Playbook
	- Bot UAs
	- Firefox on iOS
- Improved internal UA matching methods

- Improved detection of:
	- CFNetwork
	- Android webview
	- Google Web Preview and Google Image Proxy bots
	- New iPhone/iPad devices
	- Certain third party Android browsers
- Improved detection in VC tool for:
    - MSIE 12/Edge
- Improved detection of:
    - Windows Phone
    - Bots
    - CFNetwork

- Improved detection in VC tool for:
    - MSIE 12/Edge
    - Baidu browser
    - Apple
- Improved detection of:
    - Windows Phone
    - Kindle
    - SmartTV
    - Apple
    - CFNetwork
    - FirefoxOS
    - Opera

- Fixed
    - Header sanitize error when Header value is an array (i.e. argv)

- Added
    - Android 5.1 support
    - MSIE 12/Edge 12.0 support
    - Tizen 2.3 support
    - Trove Bot detection
    - Windows Phone 10 support
- Improved detection performance
- Improved detection of:
    - Android
    - CFNetwork
    - Chromium
    - Firefox OS
    - MSIE 12/Edge support
    - Opera
    - SmartBrowser
    - SmartTV
    - UCWebBrowser
    - Wii
- Added virtual capabilities:
    - is_phone
    - is_app_webview

- Added Opera for Android UA support in VC tool
- Added iOS 8.1 WURFL hardware IDs
- LD Algorithm Enhancement
- Added UC browser on Windows Phone support

- Improved form_factor capability
- Improved support for Apple devices

- Improved detection of:
    - Android
    - Apple
    - Firefox OS
    - Internet Explorer
    - Opera
    - Smart TVs
    - Tizen
    - Ubuntu OS
    - Windows Phone
    - Windows RT
- Improved existing virtual capabilities
- Added virtual capabilities:
    - complete_device_name : The brand_name, model_name and marketing name (if applicable)
    - form_factor : Tablet, Smartphone, Feature Phone, Robot, Desktop, Smart-TV, Other Non-Mobile
- Added support for iOS 8
- Added the ability to detect sideloaded browser instead of the device with its stock browser

- Improved accuracy of is_robot
- Bugfix: auto-reload is not thread safe when lockfile is on a filesystem without flock support

- Added support in Virtual Capabilities for:
	- Internet Explorer 11
	- Windows 8.1
	- OS extraction for Opera Mini User-Agents
- Improved detection of:
	- Android
	- Apple iOS
	- Xbox One
	- Pantech feature phones
- Added new matcher for Desktop Applications
- Optimized matcher order

- Bugfix: using an old WURFL with MySQL persistence causes infinte loop

- Bugfix: missing capabilities demo page

- New Feature: Virtual Capabilities
- Improved normalization
- Improved detection of:
    - Android
    - Apple iOS
    - Windows Phone
    - Firefox Mobile
    - Firefox OS
    - SmartTVs
    - BlackBerry
    - Skyfire
    - Opera Mini
    - UCWEB
    - Robots
    - Native apps

- Improved detection of Android 4.1+
- Improved detection of Windows RT
- Simplified detection of Firefox desktop
- Improved detection of Xbox console
- Improved detection of Opera Mobi and Opera Tablet

- Improved detection of Kindle Fire
- Improved detection of Playstation Vita
- Improved detection of Windows Phone
- Improved detection of Windows RT
- Improved detection of Safari desktop browser
- Added Device-Stock-UA support
- Improved detection of Maemo devices
- Improved detection of SmartTVs
- Improved detection of XBOX 360
- Improved detection of Epiphany browser
- Updated WURFL database

- Improved detection of Mobile Chrome
- Improved detection of Smart TVs
- Improved examples to allow auto-reloading if WURFL data changes
- Bugfix: Improperly normalized filenames on Windows may cause exceptions

- Bugfix: Some desktop UAs with "toolbar" are detected as robots in HA mode

[2012.04.07] 1.4.1
- Bugfix: Invalid definition of WURFL_Storage::save()
- Bugfix: Chrome Beta on Android is not detected properly
- Bugfix: Invalid system temp dir returned from sys_get_temp_dir()

[2012.03.30] 1.4.0
- Complete overhaul of all User Agent Handlers
- Improved normalizers
- Added High-Performance vs. High-Accuracy mode
- Added Introspector utility for diagnostics
- Massive code and documentation cleanup
- Added "Secondary Caching" to persistence providers, so memcache and APC can be used
    to improve performance of lookups to the persistence provider
- Refactored examples for simplicity
- Changed recommended configuration from XML Config to InMemory config
- Removed the web patch, as it is now integrated with the main WURFL file

[2011.07.19] 1.3.1
- Enabled displaying errors in example script
- Updated default wurfl.xml
- Added manual lookup script
- Fixed bug with auto-loading WURFL failure on Solaris (EX flock on RO file failed)
- Improved detection of Tablet PC devices
- Improved detection of Android 2.3 - 3.0 devices

[2011.05.14] 1.3.0
- Documented all classes
- Improved Exceptions
- Bugfix: ArrayConfig can now use relative config file pathnames
- Updated unit tests and phing build file

- Added Storage to replace (Persistence & Cache)
- Added NameSpace support for Memcache and Apc
- Added Normalizers for
    - Locale
    - SerialNumbers
    - Maemo
- Added Handler
    - MaemoHandler
- Added Support For Multiple Memcache backend

- Replaced WURFLManagerProvider with WURFLManagerFactory
- Autoreloading Added

- Configuration:
	- Changed the "persistance" to "persistence" (N.B a to e) in wurfl-config.xml
	- Added Possibilty to specify configuration from an array.(array-wurfl-config.php)
- Normalizers
	- Added
		- Android
		- Chrome
		- Opera
		- Safari
		- MSIE	
- Handlers
	- Added 
		- AndroidHandler
		- ChromeHandler
		- BotCrawlerTranscoderHandler		
- Logger
	- Removed dependency from the PEAR Log
	- Added Custom Logger
- WURFLLoader
	- Added A WURFLReloader 
- Created a new web_browsers_patch			

Added Caching expiration capability